Scott Morgenstern -
Professor of Political Science
Director, Center of Latin American Studies
University of Pittsburgh
(412) 648-7288
These graphs created in Stata using data district-level electoral data. Below is a sample command :
graph twoway (line vote yr, connect(ascending) lcolor(red) lwidth(thick) legend(lab(1 "BA")), if distname=="BA" & party=="UCR") (line vote yr, connect(ascending) lcolor(ltblue) lwidth(thin) title(Argentina UCR 1991-2011) ylabel(0(10)80) xlab(1991(2)2011, angle(45)) legend(lab(2 "Other")), if distname~="BA" & party=="UCR") (line vote yr, connect(ascending) lcolor(green) lwidth(medium) legend(lab(3 "Capfed")), if distname=="Capfed" & party=="UCR")
** note data must be sorted, by country, party, district number, and year